TIA Watchdog is a service provided for members to report information about problems to each other in order to help individuals make informed decisions when selecting companies with whom to work. This program gives TIA members the ability to quickly alert others of problems and help reduce future negative incidents from occurring that involve TIA members.


What's new with TIA WatchDog?

Our latest collaboration aims to raise the industry standard for legitimate 3PL and carrier companies by honing in on truly fraudulent behavior, and broadening the universe of reports available to TIA members. This strategic relationship will also provide our members with a greatly improved TIA Watchdog experience and access to enhanced tools and resources to combat fraudulent activities.

TIA Watchdog® will remain a dedicated platform for members to report critical information about real fraud within the industry. However, TIA members will have access to a greater scope of data beyond the current 3,400 people across the nation, giving members more information about the supply chain partners they choose. This knowledge sharing allows members to make informed decisions when selecting which companies to work with; quickly alert each other to marketplace problems; and prevent negative incidents from occurring.

What can we expect to change?

As part of the improved WatchDog experience, we now have a fresh and modern user interface aimed at making the process of finding and submitting WatchDog reports that much better and easier. New report types have also been added to increase the clarity of information contained in WatchDog reporting. In addition to this, for a limited time, you will also have access to extended carrier sourcing and vetting tools through our partnership with Highway.
All of this aligns with the vision of the TIA WatchDog being to find resolution on these reports and a safer, better freight industry.

What can we expect not to change?

WatchDog will remain under the control and oversight of the TIA and all issues related to the WatchDog reports and access can be directed to the TIA for resolution.All third party vendors that have existing active integrations with TIA WatchDog will continue to have API access for a period of 6 months after the release of the new system, within which they will have the ability to move over to the new API.The vision behind the TIA Watchdog remains the same, namely, offering TIA members a free service to review carriers for problems and avoid becoming a victim of fraud.This program gives TIA members the ability to quickly alert others of problems and help reduce future negative incidents from occurring that involve TIA members. This has now been enhanced by this partnership through increased data sourcing, with the goal of making a safer freight industry for all.

Common Questions

Search a Report:

Enter the MC, DOT or carrier name into the search box at the top of the page. Select the carrier from the search results to see the WatchDog report, if it exists, on the carrier profile page.

Submit a Report:

Navigate to the carriers profile page. Select the Report Fraud button and follow the prompts to submit a WatchDog report.

Report Timeline:

Once the WatchDog is submitted the report will automatically be sent to the company notifying them of the report and allowing them to respond. The reported company has 72 hours to respond to your report before the report is available for all TIA members to view. The WatchDog report will remain on the website until you and the other party have resolved the issue, and if there is more than one report within 24 months. The TIA member is the only party that has the authority to remove the report. The only exception to this is if it is determined that the report is erroneous, or if no new report has been submitted within a 24 month period, the report will be archived.

User Access:

Active TIA Broker Members have free service to review carriers for problems and avoid becoming a victim of fraud. Login with your business email that is on record with TIA for validated access. If you are unable to login, contact TIA Membership membership@tianet.org to check your TIA Membership.

For Carriers

When you received notice that there is a Watchdog report.

- Review the report content. (We suggest trying to resolve the issue first with the Broker. Reports will post after 72 hours)
Use the link provided to respond with your feedback.
- Responses are limited to 1500 characters and should be factual
- Responses are only permitted Once and cannot be edited or deleted once submitted.
- All responses are published with the report as long as it remains active.

The response link is not working

Email Watchdog/ Highway Support Team at watchdog@gohighway.com

Request a Review

- This process allows a report to be submitted for review and possible removal.
- Both the broker and carrier MUST provide supporting documentation before a review is scheduled.
- Supporting documentation such as BOL, contract, email, text, rate confirmation, pictures, etc., must be attached as a single file.
- TIA will NOT review a report that is under legal proceedings.
- TIA does not adjudicate cases with pending litigation

Report a Review

- All reviews are performed by a TIA Ethics Committee.
- TIA and Highway staff DO NOT have access to remove a report.
- The Review process can take approx. 14 business days
- Once a review is complete, both parties (carrier & broker) will be notified